Using ERP-Scale with SAP EWM/SCWM

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Many customers want to use ERP-Scale with SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCWM/EWM).

These steps will help you to get started:

  1. Create an RFC destination in SAP
  2. Define a scale in EWM
  3. Configure a work centre in EWM
  4. Download and install ERP-Scale PSE
  5. Import the scale into ERP-Scale
  6. Configure the device communication settings. Contact us for further assistance with the manufacturer and model of the scale.
  7. Define the data parsing settings. Contact us for further assistance with the manufacturer and model of the scale.
  8. Order a trial licence for ERP-Scale (free of charge).
  9. If communication with SAP fails, check SAP security settings.

Our TCPautoresponder is ideal for use during the development phase of your project.

Contact us if you require further assistance.

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