SAP Gateway connection, hostname cached as unknown

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Immediately after the PC started, ERP-Scale fails to connect to the SAP Gateway.

The log shows:

2023/12/05 15:58:43:234 RFC error occurred: 1002 / Error Starting RFC Server / RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE / 
ERROR hostname '' unknown
TIME Tue Dec 05 15:58:43 2023
COMPONENT NI (network interface)
RC -2
MODULE nixxhl.cpp
LINE 193
DETAIL NiHLGetNodeAddr: hostname cached as unknown

This error occurs if ERP-Scale attempts to connect to the SAP Gateway before the Windows operating system networking services have initialized. The SAP RFC library caches the connection as hostname unknown.

To avoid this issue, open the Windows Services App (services.msc) and change the startup type for the Pocket Programs SapScaleService to Automatic (Delayed Start):





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