Mettler Toledo IND MT-SICS

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The Mettler Toledo IND range of scales supports the MT-SICS protocol. We advise using DIALOG mode with the scale as it offers a robust communication method.

The guide is based on the factory default communication settings for an IND570 scale. Check the current settings for your scale using the indicators menu.

This documentation assumes that:

  1. The computer is connected to the scale’s interface 1
  2. The scale has been reset to factory standard settings (based on an IND570).
  3. The operating mode of the scale has been changed to “DIALOG”

ERP-Scale settings


Check the user manual for the correct baud rate, data bits and parity for your scale.
The factory default communication settings for the scale may have been changed. Check the current settings using the scale’s menu.

Requesting settings:

The request text is only required if the scale is set to DIALOG mode. If using CONTINUOUS mode, leave the Request Text empty.
The MT-SICS ‘S’ command sends the current weight when the scale is stable. If you wish the weight to be sent immediately, use the ‘SI’ command.

Receiving settings:

If using CONTINUOUS mode, increase the minimum and maximum number of reads to 2.

Parsing settings

Note: For CONTINUOUS mode the data string sent by the scale may be different. Adjust the parsing settings accordingly. Parsing

HUPAST structure assignment:

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