To use RFC HU_GET_RFC_DATA from your own ABAP’s, there are two steps.
- If you have defined packing station profiles in customizing (transaction HUPAST_C), you can use the function module read_packstation to determine the profile based on the hostname of the user’s PC.
- Use the RFC call HU_GET_RFC_DATA in conjunction with ERP-Scale to determine the current weight from the serial device
Note: You can use the packing station profile with ERP-Scale even if you have not activated handling unit management in SAP.
Determine Packing station profile based on hostname of user’s PC
FORM read_packstation. statics sf_terminal(20). DATA: lt_profile TYPE TABLE OF hupast_t. * Get the Hostname from the PC. CALL FUNCTION 'TH_USER_INFO' IMPORTING terminal = sf_terminal. * Prerequisite only one profile per PC SELECT * FROM hupast_t CLIENT SPECIFIED INTO TABLE lt_profile WHERE terminal = sf_terminal AND client = sy-mandt. IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_profile TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS INDEX 2. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_profile INTO gs_profile INDEX 1. * PERFORM set_profile. ENDFORM. "read_packstation
Call to RFC function HU_GET_RFC_DATA
data: lt_weight type table of hum_scale, ls_weight type hum_scale, L_RFC_DESTINATION LIKE RFCDISPLAY-RFCDEST. l_rfc_destination = RFC_FOR_SCALE. "RFC Destination ls_weight-waage = NAME_OF_SCALE. "Name of scale in ERP-Scale ls_weight-brgew = '0.000'. ls_weight-gewei = space. append ls_weight to lt_weight. CALL FUNCTION 'HU_GET_RFC_DATA' destination l_rfc_destination TABLES ET_WEIGHT = lt_weight EXCEPTIONS COMMUNICATION_FAILURE = 1 MESSAGE MSG_TEXT SYSTEM_FAILURE = 2 MESSAGE MSG_TEXT. . if not sy-subrc is initial. concatenate text-040 l_rfc_destination msg_text into msg_text separated by space. message s001(vl) with msg_text. leave to transaction 'ZTESTWEIGH'. endif. clear ls_weight. read table lt_weight into ls_weight index 1. if ls_weight-brgew is initial. message e203(hudialog) with l_rfc_destination. endif. catch system-exceptions CONVT_NO_NUMBER = 9 . p_weight = ls_weight-brgew. endcatch.
Complete example
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZTESTSCALE * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Author: Pocket Programs 2013 * *& ============================= * *& Example ABAP for use with ERP-Scale see * *& * *& Requires transaction ZTESTWEIGH to be created to run this report * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ZPP_TEST_ERPSCALE . TABLES: sscrfields. parameter: p_packst type HUM_PROFILE default 'ERPSCALE'. * Declaration of sel screen buttons SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN PUSHBUTTON (30) w_button USER-COMMAND BUT1. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE. parameter: p_weight(20) MODIF ID DSP. parameter: p_unit(20) MODIF ID DSP. parameter: p_text(20) MODIF ID DSP. parameter: p_dummy1(20) MODIF ID DSP. parameter: p_dummy2(20) MODIF ID DSP. data: gs_profile type hupast_t. data: lt_weight type table of hum_scale, ls_weight type hum_scale, MSG_TEXT(120) TYPE C, "Message text L_RFC_DESTINATION LIKE RFCDISPLAY-RFCDEST. data: l_weight like vekp-brgew. data: p_msg(80). *================================================= initialization. * Make result fields read-only LOOP AT SCREEN. IF SCREEN-GROUP1 = 'DSP'. SCREEN-INPUT = 0. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. * Add displayed text string to buttons w_button = 'Get weight using ERP-Scale'. * Determine packing station profile from PC hostname perform read_packstation. p_packst = gs_profile-packing_station. *================================================ AT SELECTION-SCREEN. * Check if button has been pressed if sscrfields-ucomm eq 'BUT1'. perform read_profile using p_packst. * rfc-destination aus Customizing: l_rfc_destination = gs_profile-RFC_FOR_SCALE. ls_weight-waage = gs_profile-NAME_OF_SCALE. if l_rfc_destination is initial. clear: p_weight, p_unit, p_text, p_dummy1, p_dummy2. message e203(hudialog) with l_rfc_destination. endif. * Function module must be called with at least one * entry in the table ls_weight-brgew = '0.000'. ls_weight-gewei = space. append ls_weight to lt_weight. CALL FUNCTION 'HU_GET_RFC_DATA' destination l_rfc_destination TABLES ET_WEIGHT = lt_weight EXCEPTIONS "<< begin note 205878 COMMUNICATION_FAILURE = 1 MESSAGE MSG_TEXT SYSTEM_FAILURE = 2 MESSAGE MSG_TEXT. if not sy-subrc is initial. concatenate text-040 l_rfc_destination msg_text into msg_text separated by space. message s001(vl) with msg_text. clear: p_weight, p_unit, p_text, p_dummy1, p_dummy2. return. endif. clear ls_weight. read table lt_weight into ls_weight index 1. if ls_weight-brgew is initial. message e203(hudialog) with l_rfc_destination. endif. catch system-exceptions CONVT_NO_NUMBER = 9 . p_weight = ls_weight-brgew. endcatch. if sy-subrc = 9. message s000(zz) with ls_weight. endif. concatenate p_weight ls_weight-GEWEI into p_msg separated by space. * message s000(zz) with p_msg. p_unit = ls_weight-GEWEI. p_text = ls_weight-text. p_dummy1 = ls_weight-dummy1. p_dummy2 = ls_weight-dummy2. endif. *============================================================== at SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. * Make result fields read-only LOOP AT SCREEN. IF SCREEN-GROUP1 = 'DSP'. SCREEN-INPUT = 0. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. *============================================================== *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form READ_PROFILE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM read_packstation. statics sf_terminal(20). DATA: lt_profile TYPE TABLE OF hupast_t. * Get hostname from PC CALL FUNCTION 'TH_USER_INFO' IMPORTING terminal = sf_terminal. * prerequisite there is only one profile per PC SELECT * FROM hupast_t CLIENT SPECIFIED INTO TABLE lt_profile WHERE terminal = sf_terminal AND client = sy-mandt. IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_profile TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS INDEX 2. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_profile INTO gs_profile INDEX 1. * PERFORM set_profile. ENDFORM. "read_packstation *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form READ_PROFILE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM read_profile using p_st. DATA: lt_profile TYPE TABLE OF hupast_t. * prerequisite there is only one profile per PC SELECT * FROM hupast_t CLIENT SPECIFIED INTO TABLE lt_profile WHERE PACKING_STATION = p_st AND client = sy-mandt. IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_profile TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS INDEX 2. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_profile INTO gs_profile INDEX 1. * PERFORM set_profile. ENDFORM. "read_profile
Determine Packing station profile based on hostname of user’s PC when using Fiori.
If the code is being used in a Fiori app, the function module TH_USER_INFO does not return the hostname of the operator’s PC, but the IP address. The FQDN of the operator’s PC can be determined using function module RFC_IP_TO_HOST.
FORM read_packstation. statics sf_terminal(20). DATA: lt_profile TYPE TABLE OF hupast_t. * Get hostname from PC CALL FUNCTION 'TH_USER_INFO' IMPORTING terminal = sf_terminal. * prerequisite there is only one profile per PC SELECT * FROM hupast_t CLIENT SPECIFIED INTO TABLE lt_profile WHERE terminal = sf_terminal AND client = sy-mandt. IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. " No matching packing station profile found, perhaps Fiori? * Check if Fiori data lv_rfchost type RFCHOST_EXT. data lv_rfcip type RFCHOST_EXT. lv_rfcip = sf_terminal. CALL FUNCTION 'RFC_IP_TO_HOST' "Get the FQDN of the host PC EXPORTING rfcip = lv_rfcip IMPORTING RFCHOST = lv_rfchost EXCEPTIONS IP_TO_HOST_CONVERSION_ERROR = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. "No FQDN returned exit. ENDIF. "Check if there is a profile for the FQDN SELECT * FROM hupast_t CLIENT SPECIFIED INTO TABLE lt_profile WHERE terminal = lv_rfchost AND client = sy-mandt. IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_profile TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS INDEX 2. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_profile INTO gs_profile INDEX 1. * PERFORM set_profile. ENDFORM. "read_packstation